Many people have unclaimed oil and gas royalties of which they do not know about. Every state has an account of unclaimed funds that they are responsible for maintaining in situations where ownership is unclear. Among the most common reasons for the unclaimed royalties are invalid mailing addresses, simple misspellings, or a minor title issue.
In effect, this state requirement allows oil companies to give away the responsibility of administration over these oil and gas royalties after a period of three to ten years, depending on the state. At this point, any records the oil company may have are given to the state, and administering these funds is now a task for the state to handle. These funds now become part of that state’s Unclaimed Property. A separate article titled “Royalty in Suspense” gives information about how to access royalties that are not under state control.
If you’ve recently claimed a royalty and no longer want control of it, the brokers of The Mineral Auction can help you get set on the right path to selling your oil, gas, or mineral royalties. Contact us at (512) 698-2802.
Thanks to the state’s current energy boom, Texas has outranked almost all countries in the world when it comes to natural gas production, The Daily Caller reported on May 29.
With 18.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas being produced every day, Texas falls behind only Russia and the entire United States in terms of natural gas production. A graph released by the American Petroleum Institute also showed that the Lone Star State managed to outplay all member-nations of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), including Saudi Arabia and Algeria.
Texas as the forefront of natural gas production only means that the best time to get the most out of the energy boom is today. If you are planning to sell your mineral rights, our team of mineral rights brokers at The Mineral Auction has the resources and the experience to help you sell your rights at the best possible price. Call us at (512) 698-2802 today.
Applied LNG closed a $22.5 million deal with Texas Capital Bank to finance the construction of a liquefier to process liquefied natural gas (LNG) at their LNG plant in Midlothian, TX, the San Fernando Valley Business Journal stated on February 2.
The liquefier is the first of six the company plans to construct on the 31-acre facility just south of oil and natural gas-rich Dallas-Fort Worth. The liquefier, which is expected to be completed mid-year, will increase the company’s LNG production. It is also expected to provide the South, the Midwest, and the Eastern seaboards with their needed LNG supply.
Applied LNG Chief Executive Cem Hacioglu said in a statement that the company’s partnership with Texas Capital Bank is a testament to the company’s stability and its growth potential in the oil and natural gas sector.
The continuous investment in LNG exploration and drilling proves that the oil and natural gas boom in Texas is far from over. If you want to take part in this upward economic trend, sell your mineral rights today by consulting with our mineral rights broker at The Mineral Auction. Call us at (512) 698-2802 today.
The current oil and gas boom in Texas drove employment way up. The state’s job growth in these industries experienced a 10.7 increase from May 2013 to May 2014. General industrial employment grew for the third year in a row, increasing the employed to 1.2 million, the San Antonio Business Journal reported.
However, workers and manufacturers are not the only stakeholders benefiting from this flourishing industry. Mineral rights owners in Texas are also taking advantage of the growth. By getting in touch with the right oil and gas mineral rights buyer, a seller would be able to capitalize on his assets at a time when the value of mineral properties is high.
Selling your mineral rights at the height of the State’s growing energy industry would help you get the most out of your deal. Consult with our team at The Mineral Auction if you plan to sell your mineral rights for the highest value possible. Call us at (512) 698-2802 today to discuss your options.
A lawyer and Texas A&M assistant professor shared her knowledge about how to protect one’s surface property during mineral rights negotiations at the Grayson County courthouse on June 12, Fox Texoma reported.
In light of a burgeoning oil and gas industry in the state, the lawyer, assistant professor and extension specialist at Texas A&M Tiffany Dowell offered residents valuable tips to protect the surface estate during oil and gas leases. She advised landowners to ensure the inclusion of detailed rules on a lease to specify how the surface land should be used. If not, oil and gas companies can take advantage of the contract and not respect the land.
She further stated that consulting with an attorney before coming to an agreement with the oil company is a good way to protect landowners’ interests.
Whether you are trying to sell or lease your mineral rights, our team at The Mineral Auction is here to help you make an informed decision. To seek assistance, call us at (512) 698-2802 today.