Texas nearly the biggest natural gas producer in the world
Posted on Thursday, June 18th, 2015 at 3:54 pm
Thanks to the state’s current energy boom, Texas has outranked almost all countries in the world when it comes to natural gas production, The Daily Caller reported on May 29.
With 18.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas being produced every day, Texas falls behind only Russia and the entire United States in terms of natural gas production. A graph released by the American Petroleum Institute also showed that the Lone Star State managed to outplay all member-nations of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), including Saudi Arabia and Algeria.
Texas as the forefront of natural gas production only means that the best time to get the most out of the energy boom is today. If you are planning to sell your mineral rights, our team of mineral rights brokers at The Mineral Auction has the resources and the experience to help you sell your rights at the best possible price. Call us at (512) 698-2802 today.